Descrierea postului:

CABINET DE AVOCAT – BOGARU CRISTIAN recruteaza avocat definitiv cu experienta in drept penal.


– Cunostinte teoretice solide de drept;

– Experienta sustinuta de 4-5 ani ca avocat definitiv in domeniul dreptului penal.

– Cunoasterea limbilor engleza si franceza;

– Excelente abilitati de exprimare a ideilor juridice in engleza/franceza;

– Persoane serioase, motivate, implicate profesional si rezistente la un mediu de lucru dinamic;

– Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa.


Posibilitatea dezvoltarii carierei intr-o societate cu renume pe piata serviciilor juridice.

Avocaţii interesaţi pot trimite CV-ul la adresa de e-mail: .



Job description:

LAW FIRM – BOGARU CRISTIAN recruits Senior lawyer with experience in criminal law.


– Solid theoretical knowledge of law;

– Sustained experience of 4-5 years as a permanent lawyer in the field of criminal law.
– Knowledge of English and French;

– Excellent skills in expressing legal ideas in English / French;

– Serious, motivated people, professionally involved and resistant to a dynamic work environment;

– Very good communication skills and teamwork.


The possibility of career development in a reputable law firm on the legal services market.

Interested lawyers can send their CV to the e-mail address: .